
Neglected No More: The Urgent Need To Improve The Lives Of Canada’s Elders In The Wake Of A Pandemic
It took the coronavirus pandemic to open our eyes to the deplorable state of so many of the nation’s long-term care homes: the inhumane conditions, overworked and underpaid staff, and lack of oversight. In this timely new book, esteemed health reporter André Picard reveals the full extent of the crisis in eldercare, and offers an urgently needed prescription to fix a broken system.
Matters of Life and Death
Health issues have long occupied top headlines in Canadian media, and no journalist has written on public health with more authority or for as many years as André Picard. Matters of Life and Death collects Picard’s most compelling columns, covering a broad range of topics including Canada’s right-to-die law, the true risks of the Zika virus, the financial challenges of a publicly funded health system, appalling health conditions in First Nations communities, the legalization of marijuana, the social and economic impacts of mental illness, and the healthcare challenges facing transgender people.

The Gift of Death
The Gift of Death is a shocking, deeply moving, often frightening analysis of the greatest preventable medical scandal in our history. André Picard examines the roles of government, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical industry, donors – and draws on the moving testimony of victims and family members.
This updated edition also examines the “second tainted-blood scandal”, the infection of 60,000 transfusion recipients with the debilitating hepatitis C virus, and offers a definitive examination of the long-awaited Krever report.

The Gift of Death – 1995
The Gift of Death is a shocking, deeply moving, often frightening analysis of the greatest preventable medical scandal in our history. André Picard unravels the vast story of tainted blood and dissects the country’s blood system – examining the roles of government, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical industry, donors, and patients. Drawing on the moving testimony of victims and family members at the Krever Inquiry, research in both Canada and abroad, and never before-published documents, he puts a human face on this tragic story of incompetence, prejudice, fear, greed – and unfathomable heartbreak.

Critical Care
No one goes through life untouched by nurses. They are there to cradle us at birth, care for us when we are sick or injured, and to offer comfort at death. They unselfishly give advice, support and genuine caring when we need it most.

2000 Reasons to Hate the Millennium
Sick to death of Millennium Fever? Desperate for some Millennium Bug Spray? Here’s the cure for all your woes, a hilarious anti-millennial book from Canada’s top cartoonists and satirists, guaranteed to see you safely through the year 2000.